Sunday, April 27, 2014

Beneath the Mask of Sanity by Mark Phillips (Rec)

Beneath the Mask of Sanity
By: Mark Phillips

·  Print Length: 288 pages
·  Publisher: N/A
·  Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #209,401 Paid in Kindle Store
·  Goodreads Rating: 4.5/5 stars out of 4ratings and 3 reviews


Bentley Grimes is a killer not content with just taking a victim's life, he also wants to experience emotions. When he kills George Braddock, Bentley infiltrates the Braddock household by befriending his victim's oldest daughter, Katie. He witnesses their misery searching for that indefinable trait that makes him different from the rest of the world.

Frank Miles is a detective with his own demons, and his own obsession, catching George Braddock's murderer. The three, Katie, Frank and Bentley are all on a collision course for each other, none of them knowing the secrets that each hides in their souls.

Reoccurring Statements between 9 Amazon Reviewers:
5 reviewers made a similar statement
1 reviewer made a similar statement
2 reviewers made a similar statement

(*All Amazon/Goodreads stats are accurate as of the date of this post)

 Check it out for yourself or see what reviewers have said at Amazon and Goodreads.

Thank you for considering this obscure book as a future read and feel free to leave comments if you would like to discuss this novel more!

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